Trick photography is a funny way to surprise or confuse our mates. No doubt, the most surprising and confusing trick photographs are manipulated and edited with the softwares like photoshop. Then, how can they be trick photographs? Trick photography is you create an extraordinary picture. There is a wide variety of trick photography methods we can create physically with.
The main element in trick photography is the perspective. Perspective is visually interpreting the images and the relation between the space aroud it. A method known as Perspective Distortion is utilized to make trick photographs. It is just a way of making the object look abnormal by making it bigger or smaller relative to its foreground or background. It is done using the fact that camera interprets object in two dimensions whereas our eyes work in three dimensions.
The fun of watching trick photography is not in analysing them with a conscious mind but believing wildly on what our eyes see.
Similarly, various special effects used in motion pictures are also a part of trick photography.
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