Thursday, July 22, 2010

Choosing Cameras

Choosing Cameras
Currently, we have around 6500 varieties of cameras to choose from. This makes our understanding and choosing capabilities so difficult and we may sometime get misconception regarding megapixels.
Similarly, we just get stuck into the fansy advertisment and neglect the photographic features. Just because the camera is said to be featured with 3 MP, it doesn't mean that we get to use the full 3MP. Further, these so called pixels play vital role in determining the size and quality of images we take. Regarding an example, a professional camera with certain MP may outperform in detail and size due to larger imaging chip.
All these mean that we have to take many things into consideration while buying cameras rather that looking what's written on the box. What's most important is are you happy with what you bought? It means, are you fully satisfied with the quality so that you can safely store your beautiful and valuable moments. The quality of cameras doesn't upon the number of MP but is determined on the basis of chip used, lens to capture and in-built software inside the camera. So, you should defenetly have as least the knowledge of lens, bits and resolution used my the cameras.
On contrary, what I think is the revolution of digitization on photography has broken the boundary of mm quality as those traditional cameras. Now you can decide which camera to buy analysing the quality right at the moment in the camera store.


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