Sunday, July 25, 2010

Digital Photo Storage

Digital Photo Storage
To store original copy of images has always been a matter of concern. Printing hard copy of images is very much easy but saving them for future is more challenging. Before the digital photography was introduced, people used to keep the negatives of photos safely in case they might need them in future. Inspite of great care and safety, negative quality used to fade out and resulted in bad prints.

Now we don't have to bother in storing such negative. Rather, we are more fascillitated. We can now store our digital images in varoius magnetic storages like floppy disks, zip disks, cassette, etc. Moreover, optical disks like CD, DVD are mostly used to store data and images. We generally store our images in harddisk in computer. We needn't fear about quality being fed. In the mean time, we should also take care that such storage are prevented from scratches and dust otherwise we may suffer from loss of data or damages. It is better to make backup of every image files we work on so to make sure that we are safe from losing them.

Simply Making Good Photos

Simply Making Good Photos
We needn't have better or better cameras to create better photos. It doesn't mean that good products can be neglected. Beside the professional photography, we can ourselves make good and attractive photos. Just we have to take care is wheather we are following right rules or not. We should have basic knowledge about the functions in our camera like night shots, white balance, aperture, exposure, etc.
When we are taking snapshots in sunlight, its very easy to get good photos. We should watch were the rays of sun strikes. It means, we have to place the object or person in the position where sunlight directly strikes. This somehow works as flashlights in studios. We should also take care not to take pictures in shade which may affect the result.
If we are taking indoor photos, we can use in-built flashes or use indoor lights. If the light is very much dim, we may use night mode or set white balance option to Fluoroscent mode. Similarly, if we wish to make photos in cloudly days, we may set white balance to cloudy mode or decrease the exposure value (below +0).

We may have misconception that only highly edited photos are good. Simple and simply taken pictures can also be attractive and nice. Only we have to take care that camera functions are properly used.

Trick Photography

Trick Photography Trick photography is a funny way to surprise or confuse our mates. No doubt, the most surprising and confusing trick photographs are manipulated and edited with the softwares like photoshop. Then, how can they be trick photographs? Trick photography is you create an extraordinary picture. There is a wide variety of trick photography methods we can create physically with.
The main element in trick photography is the perspective. Perspective is visually interpreting the images and the relation between the space aroud it. A method known as Perspective Distortion is utilized to make trick photographs. It is just a way of making the object look abnormal by making it bigger or smaller relative to its foreground or background. It is done using the fact that camera interprets object in two dimensions whereas our eyes work in three dimensions.
The fun of watching trick photography is not in analysing them with a conscious mind but believing wildly on what our eyes see.
Similarly, various special effects used in motion pictures are also a part of trick photography.

Black & White Photos

Black & White Photos All photography was originally developed from monochrone of Black & White photography. Black and white photos continued to dominate for decades though color photography was introduced. It was not only because of its low cost but also due to its classic look. It is noticeable that all of the black and white photos do not contain perfect black and white colors but also some other hues depending on their processing or nature of papers. The cyanotype photos are the examples. Images are formed in blue and white colors in this type of photo. The albumen process was used more than 150 years ago. It used to produce images with brown tones.
Inspite the fact that color photography has found its way to majority, still we can find many of the photographers who like monochrome photos due to its classic looks. Though the color photos provide vivid looks, monochrome images are so attractive and memorable.
Color photos are complex if we wish to manage them in their true colors. But we don't have to bother in such topics in black and white photos. We may have misconception that monochrome is old fashioned so its not a part of digital photography. But its not true. We can create many attractive monochrome photos digitally.

Color Photos

Color Photos Color photography was invented around the mid 1800s. Though color photography was in summit, the early experiment didn't help much to fix the colors and prevent them from fading. The physicist James Clerk Maxwell took first permanent color photo in 1861.
Early color photos were used to be taken using three cameras each having color filters in front of their lens.This method provided photographer three basic color formats to recreate color photos from monochrome photos.
French Lumiere brothers invented first commercial techique to produce color photos, Autochrome. It took market in 1907. Various companies like Kodak, Konica, Minolta, Fujifilm, etc are the leading companies to manufacture goods for color photography.
Color photography may form images by coating chemicals on photosensitive papers, by digitally printing, etc. The latter is widely used method in the modern world of photography. Digital images are boons for color photography.

Saturday, July 24, 2010


Only processin an image in computer doesn't make a sense. We have to get it printed in a paper to get a hard copy. To print, we need a printer. Printer is an electronic device which forms images, characters, graphs, on a paper. There are various types of printers. Most of the normal character printers use a single black ink to make characters. Similarly, laser printers use same technology used in photocopy machine.
We need higher quality of printers to print images and photos. Inkjet printers are the most commercially used printers. Such printers from Canon, Epson, etc are mostly used worldwide. Commonly in the inkjet printers, six types of inks are used. Namely, Magenta, Photo Magenta, Cyan, Photo Cyan, Black and Yello. We can print using the three colors formats if our JPEG file is in RGB. Similarly, CYMK for Cyan, Yello, Magenta and Black format.
Higher the printing resolution of printer, better the quality of photograph. Mostly, images are printed in 300 dpi of resolution. It means, the printer plots 300 dots per inch. Consequently, if a printer prints higher number of dots per inch, image will be better. Chossing of good photo papers also enhance the performance of printers. After we process any image in a software, it is ready for printing. Now we choose the desired quality and options and send it for priting. Its so simple to get done unlike the traditional way of printing. Printing head is very dedicated and important part in printer. It receives necessary information for printing from computer and aligns the inks to the respective blocks to form images. This is how a printer works.

Photo Editing Softwares

Photo Editing Softwares I think, choosing a right software for editing photos is not a tough job. Technically, we should decide first what are we wanting. We need different software for good finishing and of course, different for management. Again, we have the previllages of various softwares to make slideshows and videos of our still images.
Personally, I fell Adobe Photoshop is the most popularly and professionally used photo editing software. I too have been using it since I had known about digital photography. Firstly, I had used 6.0 version of photoshop. Recently, it has come with its 12th version. It has a collection of very effective tools. Stamp tool is very useful in photoshop for finishing. We can remove unwanted details, erase scratches from photos or add details with this tools.
We can separate, join or morph photos with these kinds of softwares. Various programs like ACDsee, CPAC, Corel Photo Pro, etc are also widely used for photographic purposes.
Its our pleasure to have such facilities. They not only help us create good photos but also enhance our creativity.

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